Android or iOS – use the mobile device of your choice
Q4me is nearly completely platform independent! Whether Android or iOS, tablet or smartphone, the choice is yours, with no additional hardware investment.
Discover Q4me!
Would you like to find out more about Q4me, the intelligent, cloud-based tool for your quality assurance? Do you have questions about setting up or using the application? We provide you with a number of exclusive explanatory videos and tutorials. Sometimes short and concise, sometimes very clear and detailed. The choice is yours.
If you need further help or information, please contact us directly!
Compact video tutorials
Tutorial 1:
Starting & registering with Q4me
Tutorial 2:
Users, Groups & Categories
Tutorial 3:
Modifying & creating templates
Tutorial 4:
Set up phones & pads
Tutorial 5:
Templates in detail
Tutorial 6:
Planning & evaluation
Tutorial 7:
Set up head office & branches
Detailed video tutorials
Tutorial 1: Start & registration
Tutorial 2: Users, groups & categories
Tutorial 3: Changing & creating templates
Tutorial 4: Setting up phones & pads
Tutorial 5: Templates explained in detail
Tutorial 6: Planning & evaluation
Tutorial 7: Set up head office & branches
Tutorial 8: More interesting tips
Confirmed in practice
Q4me is the most frequently used quality assurance system for the member companies of DEHOGA NRW, the employers‘ and trade association for the catering and hotel industry in Northrine-Westphalia.
No wonder – because when developing Q4me from the perspective of experienced practitioners, great importance was attached to making the creation of processes and the evaluation of inspection results easy and comprehensible.

DEHOGA NRW – a strong partner for the catering industry
DEHOGA North Rhine-Westphalia is the employers‘ and trade association for the catering and hotel industry in NRW. It is based at the DEHOGA Centre in Neuss. With around 11,000 member businesses between Aachen and Minden, which are organised in the three district associations of North Rhine-Westphalia, Westphalia and East Westphalia, it is one of the largest hospitality industry associations at state level in Germany.
DEHOGA North Rhine-Westphalia ensures that the idealistic, social and economic interests of its members from the catering and hotel industry are heard and safeguarded. In addition to representing the interests and providing effective press and public relations work for the industry, its tasks include advising members and providing guidance and practical aids as well as other services.
The work of DEHOGA NRW does not stop at state level. The DEHOGA federal association is backed by the hospitality industry in Germany – a strong part of the economy and the backbone of the domestic tourism industry. The over 220,000 businesses in this growing service sector, which are predominantly medium-sized, currently employ a good 2.2 million people and have over 53,000 trainees.